
Project maintained by benzAI-team Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

The main features proposed by BenzAI


A collection is a set of benzenoid structures. A collection can be defined:

The user can define as many collections as they wishes. Benzenoid structures can be added, deleted or moved from a collection to another at the user’s convenience.

An example of a collection: An example of a collection


BenzAI can exhaustively produce all the benzenoid structures satisfying all the criteria selected by the user. Several criteria can be combined to meet their needs:

The collection above corresponds to the criterion “at most four hexagons”.

As the number of benzenoid structures grows with the number of hexagons, the automatic generation may be time and/or space expensive. So BenzAI proposes some mechanisms in order to control the generation. The generation may be paused and then resumed or definitively stopped at the user’s request. Two criteria can also be added before running the generation:


A user-friendly graphical interface allows the user to draw the structures of their choice by simply clicking on hexagons: The drawing interface


Our database contains all the benzenoid structures having at most nine hexagons. The user can select the structures they desires by giving some criteria among:

Sorting/filtering a collection

Any collection can be filtered according to some criteria. These criteria are those of the generation (except for the number of solutions or total time) and the number of Kekulé structures. Filtering a collection produces a new collection.

Any collection can be sorted out in increasing or decreasing order with respect to structural parameters (number of hexagons, number of carbon atoms, number of hydrogen atoms, or irregularity) or with respect to the number of Kekulé structures.

By sorting the first collection according to the increasing number of hexagons, we obtain the following collection. An example of a sorted collection

Import/export benzenoid structures

The user can import a benzenoid structure or a collection from their computer. The file containing a benzenoid structure must be in graph format. Importing a collection consists simply in selecting several files (these files must be located in the same directory).

Benzenoid structures can be exported to the following format:

Analyzing electronic structures

To analyze the electronic structure of benzenoids, one of the following methods can be exploited:

Each method can be applied on a selection of structures or to a whole collection. In both cases, a new collection containing the results is created.

For instance, here is the result of the resonance energy computation on the considered collection: Computation of resonance energy

Providing infrared spectra

Our database stores the infrared spectra (computed at the 6-31G/B3LYP level of theory) for all the benzenoid structures having at most nine hexagons. An example of spectra for the structure of the collection having 14 carbon atoms. Infrared spectra